All posts by gw21littlejohnlesley


Homework Out – Wednesday 29th November 2023

Homework In – On or Before Monday 4th December 2023

  1.  Spelling – Choose 9 of your spelling words and write sentences.  Remember to up-level them by using adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors etc.  Check them to make sure they make sense and that you have used correct punctuation.
  2. General Knowledge Quiz – Try and answer all the questions.
  3. Maths – Addition and subtraction revision.
  4.  Whole School task – following on from the Assembly last week, please design a new vest/jumper for Little Robin Red Vest.  Be as creative as you can.  You can draw, paint, make a collage, use recyclable materials etc.  These will be displayed in the hall in the run-up to Christmas.


This week we are celebrating the successes of Andrew and Mya.

Mya has been successful in MDT and is attending an awards ceremony on Sunday Night.

Andrew has been successful in being chosen for the Scotland Swimming Squad and will take part in a competition at the end of November.

We are all very proud of both of you

Term 2

Welcome Back!

This term is a very busy one and we will keep you up to date with what is happening in P7S.

This week we were busy constructing the guy for the Fireworks Display. Thank you to the House Captains and Vice Captain who put the finishing touches to it before it was collected by Mr Berry from the Rotary.